Let’s try that again

Back in 2020 I started interviewing guests and publishing episodes for The Local Hustle podcast, it felt like things were off to a great start, but then… you know… it became a little more difficult for the Face-to-Face style interview.

I know there was the option of doing the online podcast thing, I’ve done that before, but it’s just not the same. One of the main motivations (and points of difference) of The Local Hustle podcast was to be able to sit down at the same table with the person/people that I’m speaking with.

The conversation is just easier, you can use hand gestures, there is no delay, no loss of quality, no distractions, answers are deeper and more considered. It’s just better.

So, in preparation for a more face-to-face 2023, I’m setting up the recording space yet again. As always with this stuff, it’s never finished, but it’s now in a “I’m happy with that” state, and I look forward to the next recording.

If you would like to suggest a guest, or if you would like to be on the podcast yourself, we have a suggestion box here.